Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Read 329-336

Name and talk about the reasons Friedman says the USA is able to produce jobs and educate people to thrive in a flat world. Discuss at least 10 things.


Ethan White said...

We have a flexible free market economy, Research Universities, major technological inventions, regulated and efficient markets, open society about everything, protection of intellectual property, flexible labor laws, extremely large domestic consumer market, a high trust society ,and a stable government system. This list of huge advantages is very comforting for me when thinking about the future of America.

Scott said...

1) We have a relatively flexible, deregulated free-market economy.
2)Tons of experimentation and competition between states and universities.
3)America has a myriad of institutional strengths
4)The Web browser, magnetic resonance imaging and fiber optics are what university's are doing for research projects
5)Colleges have University-Business technology centers
6)America's unique innovation-generating machines universities
7)Capital provision works well in America because it keeps security and regulation in our capital markets
8)America is still the largest domestic consumer market
9)The United States has become one of the great meeting points in the world.
10)The Yale-fudan collaboration, Yale had two research centers in China.

Norris said...

We have an extremely free market economy. Our colleges fight over who's best. Our technology is almost breath taking. Colleges have University Business tech centers. America is the largest consumer market. The USA is a place for everyone.

Joseph Toney said...

1)relatively flexible free market economy
2)a network of research universities, allow competitive experiments, innovations, and scientific breakthroughs
3)Americas unique innovation generating machine-universities
4)Capital Provision
5)openness of American society
6)Quality of America intellectual property protection, encourages people to come up with new ideas
7)Flexible labor laws,easy to hire and fire someone
8)Larges domestic consumer market
9)Political stability
10)major technological inventions

all this allows for trust in our country making it seem like a good comforting place to live and work.

Josh said...

1.We have a relatively flexiable, free market economy, with lots of experimentation and competition between states and universities.
2.Flexiable labor laws.
3.Best regulated and most efficient capital markets in the world.
4. America is the security and regulation of our own capital markets.
5.The openness of american society.
6.We are a high trust country that others trust.
7.We are one of the greater meeting points in the world.
8.We have unique innovation generating machines.
9.We have a industrial policy.
10. No country respects and protects intellectual property better than america.

Unknown said...

1&2.) Flexible free market economy lots of competition and experimentation between states and universities, which also translates into more opportunities, if you can't get into one college there's always more. And if you can't get into any college there's always the University of Phoenix

3.) Lots of flexibility and willingness to tear things down and start anew.

4.) Institutional strengths, we have all kinds of different colleges for different things. Like how NC State is great for engineering and Harvard is good for law.

5.) Open society about everything, we can freely discuss and innovate and collaborate together.

6.) Largest domestic consumer market in the world.

7.) Capital provision, all shareholders and whatnot are protected.

8.) Intellectual property protection, when we come up with our own individual ideas, we can copyright them and then they're ours and no one can steal them. I think that's what he's getting at.

9.) Flexible labor laws, it's easy to get a new job even if you've just been fired by a dying company. It's not always easy to get a GOOD job, but you can always get some job somewhere.

10.) Stable government, it may not be the most efficient or well-liked government, but like it or not it's very stable, hardly ever do we go through severe changes, just a little stream of minor changes throughout the years.

I also found it funny that he mentioned Eliot Spitzer (FORMER governor of New York) about how he has "doggedly sought to clean up the securities of industry and corporate boardrooms."

jace said...

1) Free market economy

2) Protection of intelectual property

3) Labor laws

4) Research projects such as fiber optics being done at universities.

5) Largest domestic consumer market

6) Open society

7) Industrial policy

8) High trust society

9) Stable government

10) Competition between schools/companies

All of this contributes to education of people who will thrive in a flat world.