Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Read 449-457 - for Wednesday, April 30

Talk about the next two rules.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

First off something is terribly wrong since I'm the first person to be blogging but anyways. Rule #3 is about small companies acting big. The first example he gives is the founder of Aramex which is the first Arab UPS basically. He goes through all the details of it starting up and being bought by Airborne so it would have a powerful backing, became a $200,000,000 a year company with only 3,200 employees. Then how the dot-com bust really hurt it and Ghandour buying back the company from the shareholders which was proof of the flattening world. Then when DHL bought out Airborne he talked about Aramex stepping up to replace them in the global market. The mouse replacing the elephant. It also talks about how the triple convergence allowed for the perfect handoff between Airborne going down and Aramex going up.

Rule #5 is vice versa. Big companies acting small. He goes into details of how Starbucks let the customers demands/suggestions decide their menus. Like how they started using soy milk in their drinks and how they take advantage of the triple convergence. It also talks about everything E*Trade did during and after the dot-com boom and bust. Then he ties it all in at the end about Ghandour copying the triple convergence and acting big, and Mitchell Caplan (E*Trade) guy acting small so his customers could act big.