Tuesday, April 22, 2008

For Wed. - April 23

Read 411-420 and summarize. Pick out and comment on an interesting observation.


Josh said...
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Ethan White said...

I found it really interesting how Ireland has turned itself around and saved the country. I thought it was cool that they got to the point that they had nothing to lose, so they tried something daring and different rather than just give up and die. It is cool that many groups of people came together to save themselves, something that I do not thing would happen if the US was in this situation. This is the kind of thing the world needs to know and to follow suit.

Scott said...

I have to agree with Ethan on this one. Nothing tickled my fancy more than they potato eating Irish. It is amazing how fast they turned their country around, they put out new ideas and worked hard. They went from a sub-par country to one of the top. My AP Government teacher, the man the myth the legend, Derek Jones, said if you want to live in any European country it should be Ireland. Because job opportunities are blossoming and cost of living is low.

Norris said...

i don't want to sound like a broken record player, or a poser. I never would've thought that the Irish would have in them to turn around an entire country. I mean, you never hear anything in the news about the Irish (or atleast i don't). It's just like Canada, you never hear anything about them. It's like they don't exist. But the Irish came through together. And i have to agree with Ethan. If the US was in the same situation as the Irish, we would sit on our @$$3$, and watch TV or play games. Some people would step up, but not everyone. Sux how the US is full of it's self.

keep it metal

jace said...

I've actually been looking at Ireland as a prospective place to live for a while now. With the turn of their economy and the opening of job opportunities it is a great place to live. The cost of living isn't high, and the kinds of jobs available are very diverse. Living in Ireland is great if you are a citizen as well, you receive government aid for college; which covers almost all of the costs. The country pulled itself out of a slum and into a very highly prospective settlement.

Joseph Toney said...

The main point in this section was about Ireland and how they truly are a success story. There economy was at a devastating low. With nothing to lose they were willing to try new and innovating ideas to allow there economy to be able to reach sub par levels once again. This worked and now they are above sub par and its a very prospective and respectable country to live in now.

Kevin said...

This latest reading was all about Ireland, a great place for B33R. How they had terrible economic standings for a long time and it looked like they were not gonna make it. Then they pulled out all the stops and tried a few ideas cuz they had nothing left to lose. In turn they became a pretty nice place to live, with high job opportunities and low costs.

Josh said...

Friedman shares about his email with Michal Dell, the creator of dell. Michael Dell said that he started in Ireland because he saw potential in the Irish and there were some prestigious universities in the area that he could recruit from. The most interesting thing that i found was that dell is Ireland's largest exporter...i thought it would a potato farmer or something of that nature lol.


Josh said...

oh yeah by the way...we are the best!


Unknown said...

Although the stuff about Ireland is interesting, I'm going to delve off into another tangent so as to not sound so repetitive. The first part of this section is all about regulation in starting and maintaining a business, and the striking differences countries have in these policies. Some countries can take only 6 months to finish going through bankruptcy for a comapany, whereas others can take over ten years. I found it interesting how when he was depicting the scene of countries as neighborhoods, he was saying how poorly India is maintained and kept up. The majority of this book so far has been about how India is on the rise and becoming so great and whatnot, but in this section he points out the severe roadblocks that anyone wanting to start a business in India must bypass.