Monday, April 21, 2008

For Tuesday, April 22

Read and summarize 400-410.


Scott said...

What I found most interesting in this reading is in the part Introspection. "When you and I were born" de la Calle said to me "our competition was our next-door neighbors. Today our competition is a Japanese or a Frenchman or a Chinese" what this is saying is that competition is spreading all over the place. If someone does not do their job somebody else will do it-and it wont be your neighbor. It also talks about Mexico and NAFTA.

Scott said...

Our video was the best, sorry Journey cover band

Ethan White said...

This reading reiterates something that the book has talked a lot about, the fact that competition is growing immensely, and it is no longer our next door neighbor, its in completely different countries. The part Scott pointed out shows how that has really majorly changed in the last 20 years or so.

Ethan White said...

oh and yea our video was so better. Sorry other groups.

Joseph Toney said...

In this section it talks about how no longer will it be our neighbors here in america that we are competing with but with complete strangers who may be located globally. Whether they be in China, Japan, Russia, India, and just about any other country. The level of worldwide competition has risen and now we have to grow and adapt to that new level in order to be succesfull.

Joseph Toney said...

oh yeah and "Ethan Gone Wild" to the cake.....sorry other groups

Kevin said...

It pretty much stated what we have been reading about this whole time. How we are no longer competing within our own country, but now we are competing with other countries.

jace said...

Competition with other countries rather than within our own.