Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Read Dirty Little Secret #3



Scott said...

In Dirty Little Secret #3, we learn that Indian workers get the call center jobs is because they speak better English than other countries like Russia and China. Also what I found interesting was the Email sent by the teacher, he talks about the parents from Eastern Europe wanting more work for there children. Then the American parents wanting less for there children so they can do more outside of school. But what I found the most interesting was when the teacher said "Our schools tend to live to back in an 11/9 mindset." also when he said "national leadership is worried about leaving kids behind, and states like Kansas and Georgia seem more concerned with eliminating Darwin"

Ethan White said...

In dirty little secret 3, Freidman talks about how the Indian people speak better English than other countries, so they get the call center jobs. We also learn about how Eastern European parents want more work for their children and American parents want less, and i don't see how that is going to help out America at all. In my opinion Americans tend to get too concerned with smaller, less significant issues, like how rich and comforatable they can make themselves, with no regard to the overall good of the country. Other countries want work, we want to be lazy and still reap the benefits.

Norris said...

The third "Dirty Little Secret" is just tells us that India is better than any other foreign country because they can speak better english, giving people in India a better chance of getting the customer support jobs.

Kevin said...

Dirty little secret #3 is all about India and how the people of India can get call center jobs. Because India has a good English speaking base they can have jobs answering phones for customer service. Also the teacher that was mentioned says that European countries want more jobs while Americans want less jobs but more benefits. America as a people needs to step up and actually do something for the good of the country or the U.S. will fall very short.

Joseph Toney said...

THis one is about how people in india speak better english than those of people in other foreign countries. For this reason, India gets the call center jobs. It is said that people in eastern europe want there kids to have and do more work so that it will better them when they get out into the world. American parents are saying they want there kids to have less work so that our kids can expierience more things. In reality this is just america being lazy...