Thursday, April 10, 2008

For Friday Dirty little secret #4, 5, and 6

Summarize each little secret.


Scott said...

4) Basically the 4th little secret is poorer school systems are not helping their students get the education they need. In the old days, poor schools were able to provide the"bread and butter", the students would then move on to factory jobs. But now with factory jobs being automated or outsourced, it is hard to find work with high school degree.
5)A quote by Intel chairmen Craig Barret "we do not have a lock on the new ideas, and we are either flat-lining, or in real dollars cutting back, our investments in physical science." America is not coming up with new ideas, Bush has cut spending in science, and less and less of Americas journals are being printed in the Physical Review.
6)The last secret is we do not the internet capabilities that some countries have. We were 4th in internet but dropped rapidly to 13th since the Bush regime has stepped in. Our internet is mostly Broadband, which is the one of the slowest and least reliable type of internet. But what surprised me the most in this chapter is Norway and Finland both have surpassed us in Internet.

Ethan White said...

The fourth secret of America is that poorer inner city schools are just not educating children to level our new flat world requires. Our economy used to facilitate lower education levels, but now it does not do this as well.
The fifth secret is that our scientific development is very poor right now, we aren't coming up with any new innovations, which is one thing that thrust ahead of other nations in the first place.
The sixth secret is that our internet capabilities are very lacking as well. Even the countries Norway and Finland have surpassed our unreliable broadband version of the internet. How are we supposed to manage in a flat world being ranked 13th in internet capability?

Joseph Toney said...

The fourth secret is the lack of substantial education from poor High School's across the United States. It used to be that you could easily find a job with just a high school degree but now those factory jobs and low skilled lalbor are not here anymore due to outsourcing, off shoring, and innovation in machines.

The fitfth secret is about the slow decline and lack of new scientific innovations and ideas being produced and thought of in the US. We are sure to fall further and further behind if this does not change.

THe sixth little secret has to deal with the poor internet capabilities of the US. When compared to other countries the US is much further behind and even the small countries of Finland and Norway have surpassed us. While other countries have worked with innovations in the internet to find a more reliable usage the US is still using mostly broadband which has been deemed one of the most unreliable uses of internet connection.

Kevin said...

Dirty little secret #4 is the schools with lower budgets cannot afford to teach their students as well. Without low-end jobs children need a better education to be succesful in the economy.
Dirty little secret #5 is our limited production of new scientific ideas, we are falling further behind other countries because we do not invent as much new technology.
Dirty little secret #6 is our limited internet capability, while other countries have extremely fast and reliable internet we use broadband which is very unreliable.

jace said...

4. Schools can't get enough money for in their budgets to teach anything more than basic skills.

5. Import of ideas is greater than the export. New technology is coming from outside the country rather than from within.

6. Broadband isn't the most reliable way to connect to the internet.