Thursday, April 24, 2008

Short reading, 433-437, for Friday April 25

What does Nayar about what has and is happening in India? When done right, what does globalization have the potential to do? Does this excite you as it does Friedman? Why or why not?


Joseph Toney said...

He is saying that due to India adopting a globalization strategy there are now experiencing an economic revolution for the better. Faster growth rate, more jobs, and it is relieving poverty. This globalization has the potential to lift large number of peoples out of poverty. This excites me because poverty is one of the worlds biggest problems and if Globalization will help relieve this then how can you not get excited?

Jake Houck said...

Nayer says that from 1956 to 1975, India started on a slow path of reintegration into the world economy. But not until 1991 did they make a model shift to liberalization. India had an amazing growth acceleration rate and their economic growth is pushing forward poverty reduction.
When done right globalization can be used as the "agent of deliverance" from economic stagnation and perpetual economic crisis.
If America began using globalization like India did, it can be very exciting. It can really help us get out of some of our economic problems and reduce the poverty that we have now. And like Joseph said who can’t be excited about relieving poverty all over the world.

Unknown said...

He says that due to globalization India is rapidly growing as an economic nation and digging themselves out of their huge poverty hole. He throws many numbers at us and speaks from a very econonmic standpoint. When done right it apparently has a strong potential to erase poverty and help developing nations. I'm not sure what there is for me to get excited about, I'm more concerned with the price of gas and food these days with oil companies having us in a choke hold. I'm too concerned with America's declining economy to get excited about a competing nation's growing economy.

jace said...

Nayar throws out some numbers to emphasize his point about India coming out of poverty due to globalization efforts. When done right globalization can bring a country out of poverty, and bring a complete economic revolution. Pulling people out of poverty is always a plus. Do I still see it as a flattened world? No, it just brings more people into play.

Scott said...

India is starting to experience a economic boom. The growth rate is rising, more jobs popping up, and there is less and less povertiy. This going take many people out of poverty. The world does not need any more povertiy so this does excite me.

Kevin said...

After India became an independent country they started to slowly integrate with the world. Now India is growing faster than ever and they are lowering their poverty rate significantly. Globalization when done right can help the entire world economy and bring people out of poverty by connecting trade and allowing for more goods to be sold. Meh I'm indifferent to the whole thing because either way i have to live with it so i might as well go with it.