Wednesday, April 23, 2008

for Thursday - April 24

Read 420-433. Summarize.


Scott said...

In this reading I learned that Friedman was strongly influenced by the books The Wealth and Poverty of Nations and The Central Liberal Truth: How Politics Can Change a Culture and Save It from Itself. Im going to leave the the blog with this quote Even if you're on the right track, you'll get run over if you just sit there."

Joseph Toney said...

going along with scott's quote...this quote can easily be compared to the state at which america is in right now and other nations. We have the possibillity to be on the right track and in many ways are, however we are simply sitting on our a$$'$ not doing anything and so those countries who are doing things are starting to become ahead of us and better(running us over).

Ethan White said...

In this part of the book Freidman talks more about reforming a culture and economy in order to change a country. Freidman's opinions about this were influenced by The Wealth and Poverty of Nations, a book about this subject. I like the quote scott put in his blog, it is very pertinent to what we are talking about.