Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Begin reading This Is Not A Test - 374-390

What new things is Friedman saying? What does he continue to say?


Scott said...

In this part Friedman talks about the Cold War in comparison with today. One is that meeting the challenges of flatism requirers as comprehensive, energetic, and focused a response as did meeting the challenge of communism. He talks about leadership, and how Kennedy understood the competition with the Soviets unlike Bush. Instead of competing with the Chinese we are fighting for oil.

Ethan White said...

In this reading Freidman compares the Cold War to our present time. Then we were in a nuclear arms race, now we are competing in the science and technology field, except we aren't really racing, we are just letting the Chinese get ahead of us.

Joseph Toney said...

Friedman is comparing what was happening during the cold war with what is happening today. Then the US and Soviet Union were competing in science and mathemetical fields whether it being with space or nuclear weapons. Now he has compared us to china with the new flattening world. It may seem as if we are racing china but in reality we are not we are not competing with them at all we have simply just gotten lazy and are letting them get ahead.