Monday, April 28, 2008

For Tuesday - April 29 read 441-449

Talk about the first 2 rules that companies live by in a flat world.


Scott said...

Rule #1- When the world is flat, whatever can be done will be done. The only question is whether it will be done by you or to you. This rule is talking about how people are connected, and able to get low cost tools of innovation and brainpower. Rule #2- This is an outgrowth of rule #1. Because we are in a world where whatever can be done will be done, the most important competition today is between you and your own imagination. This is who comes up with the better ideas.

Jake Houck said...

Rule #1- When the world is flat, whatever can be done will be done. The only question is whether it will be done by you or to you. This is pretty much saying all that Scott said and that if you have an idea, pursue it. Because someone else will have a simialr idea and pursue it faster than you think. Rule #2- This is an outgrowth of rule #1. Because we are in a world where whatever can be done will be done, the most important competition today is between you and your own imagination. This is about entrepreneurs and why they are successful, because they compete with their own imagination and act before someone else acts on it first.

Joseph Toney said...

Rule #1: "when the world is flat, whatever can be done will be done. The only question is whether it will be done by you or to you" With this new world wide connectivity everyone has the same tools and a brain power to use and pull from so now someone else may be doing somethings quicker, faster, sooner, and better than you.

Rule #2:"This is an outgrowth of rule #1. Because we are in a world where whatever can be done will be done, the most important competition today is between you and your own imagination." This has to do with now how people are able to compete globally and now when someone comes up with an idea in china it can also be used in the US very easily and not just in china.

Josh said...

Rule # Uno- When the world is flat, whatever can be done will be done. The only question is whether it will be done by you or to you. Friedman talks about how as a result of the flattening world so many people have so much connectivity and have access to low cost tools of innovation that whatever someone wants to accomplish they can with the right mind set.

Rule # dos- This is an outgrowth of rule #1. Because we are in a world where whatever can be done will be done, the most important competition today is between you and your own imagination. Like they tell you in kindergarten, you imagine can take you places, well now that is true because if you can imagine how something will work and put it on paper, it will happen.

Kevin said...

Rule#1 is when the world is flat, whatever can be done will be done. The only question is whether it will be done by you or to you. This means that if you dont do something than someone else out there will do it.

Rule#2 is the only competition today is between you and your imagination. When everyone is competing with eachother your imagination is the only thing holding you back so competing with your imagination is the biggest thing to do.

jace said...

Whatever can be done will be done, and it will be done as cheaply and efficiently as possible.

Whoever comes up with the cheapest and most efficient way of implementing an idea will win.

Unknown said...

I don't know what everyone else thought but what I understood the big deal about rule #1 to be is whatever can be done will be done and the only question is will it be done to you or by you. I don't know if anyone else picked up on that. Anything within the realm of plausibility these days will get done as cheaply and efficiently as possible.

Rule #2 is simple
  see that box? that box is the enemy. Think outside of it.

Unknown said...

Well the box didn't show up. But that's ok because now it's a box in your imagination. So it's in the ideal place to be thought out of.