Monday, March 31, 2008

We're BACK!! Read 316-329

1. Talk about a liberal arts education - What is it and how can it help you?

2. Talk about what things the right side of your brain are good at and how that can be helpful in a Flat World.

3. Describe what Clough did at GA Tech to change the campus and tell why he did it.


jace said...

Diversified learning. If you have a large pool of knowledge to dip into from time to time your ability to do more complex activities will increase.

Problem solving skills. Being able to solve complex problems will be essential in the "flat" world. It doesn't matter whether this problem is a complex equation, or getting a group of people to cooperate. The ability to solve these problems actively is what will be important in the "flat" world.

"The idea was that people who have other interests tend to be able to communicate, tend to be more social, tend to ask for help more readily when they need help, tend to help others more who need help, tend to think horizontally,...tend to be able to tie things together from different disciplines and fields." -Clough pg. 325
Why did he do it?
Could it be to give a broader field of education to students? No, sorry thats wrong.
Could it be that he wanted to diversify the type of students who were attending Georgia Tech? Once again the answer is no.
What reason did he change Georgia Tech for? The college was losing revenue and grants because fewer students were graduating.

He did it for money. Not for the advance of the human race, not for the advance of society, not even for an advance in culture. Pure and simple, he did it for money. Do not confuse people like Clough with saints and leaders. Few of the leaders in the past, present, and probable future, will actually do anything truly for your good.

What can you do not to be taken in by these selfish fools?



Scott said...

Liberal arts education is a very horizontal form of education, it makes connections between so many different fields. It could help me in the real world, if I need to solve a problem i could solve it.

The right side of the brain is the problem solving side. We need this side the most when the world is flatten, to compete and to figure new ways to compete.

He wanted to make the school more horizontal, more working together with other classmates. He did this so more kids can graduate and wanted to broaden the field of education.

Joseph Toney said...

Liberal arts education is a very broad curriculum. If people have knowledge of these many different things it will be easier for them to adapt and change there jobs.

The right side of your brain is the problem solving side. This is going to be essential in the flat world whether it be solving the simplest or most complex problems.

At GA Tech clough did this so that there essentially would be more collaboration between the students. Not just one group of students working with one group but all students allover working together, solving problems and sharing knowledge.

Josh said...

Friedman talks about connecting the dots through a liberal arts education because it is a "flat" form of education. By this he means that it connects all of the major things; history, art, politics, and science. He says that all of the subjects are important but that we need to broaden our knowledge in the arts because they are essential in innovating. The right side of our brains is used for problem solving and the innovative side. Clough focused on the right side of education. He began to make students think more creatively. He started requiring more arts classes to develop the right side of the brain, weather it be music, visual art, or anything in between. Since doing this graduation rate has went up 11%...shocking, probably not.

Unknown said...

It lets you learn a lot of things for a more diversified learning like Jace said. It's a very broad and general education that lets you learn a lot of different things and be able to have more options with your life and be more educated on a wider range of things.

Being able to think horizontally, being able to mesh together different perspectives and disciplines. Being able to problem solve, looking at the whole big picture instead of analyzing one piece. Being able to have skills and thought patterns that can't be outsourced or replaced by computers or robots.

He made the type of people more diversified, instead of just the kids with 4.0s and 1600s being accepted, there's also the musicians, the artists, flimmakers, and others with offbeat hobbies, all bumping shoulders in the same school.