Tuesday, March 4, 2008

The Great Sorting Out - Due 3/5 at 11:00 AM

Compare the views of Karl Marx with the flattening effect that is going on throughout the world.
What is Friedman referring to when he talks about frictions? Are there some frictions worth protecting? If so what are they?

What is an industry that has completly been transformed as a result of the world becoming flat?

Can you think of any others? If so, what?


jace said...

The flattening supposedly creates a mass group of people who have no more opportunity than anyone else. The ideal for communism is that no one has any power over anyone else, and they all work for the greater good of the people. The flattening has not achieved this level playing field so it does not have any relation to Karl Marx's views.

Frictions are what keeps the global economy running, and what cause problems at the same time. For example the nation-state. There is no global economy if there is no one to trade with, but if they are there, they will squabble over what is there. Each nation-state will also try to impose its laws on all the other nation-states, making it impossible to make sense of everything.

Anything that has ties to the internet has changed significantly.

The process by which trade actually occurs is significantly more complex.

Scott said...

The perfect communism is were everybody in the workforce is equal. Flatting everybody has an equal chance to get a job. Frictions have two sides to them. I have to agree with Jace on the internet, I mean it is huge in making the world flat.

Ethan White said...

Marxistic ideals would like to see everyone has equal status and oppurtunity in life, which is what Freidman says is happening through flattening. I agree with Jace that we are currently not at this point, but who knows whether or not it will happen. Frictions are the forces which currently keep our world economy running. While they are not ideal for the communistic side, without them, our economy would not function. In other words, flattening is creating global equality, and yet, our current economy is at the same time, keeping this from happening, the question is, which will win?

Joseph Toney said...

Karl Marx view of the world is that it should be completely equal in the work force where as one person can just as easily do the same job as another person with seemingly no disadvantages. The flattening of the world is supposed to eventually make equal opportunities for people to work all over the world. If this will happen or not we do not know but as of right now this has not happened and things are not equal. Frictions keep the economy running without them the economy would not work. With these frictions the world can not be completely flat so in away they are slowing and could maybe stop this process of the world flattening.

One industry is telemarketing.

Also how a business goes about using a supply chain. This is the case where UPS who is knowledgeable about the subject steps in and helps.

Norris said...

Communism can be understood in two main ways. In the West is usually means the political application of the ideas of Karl Marx (i.e. Marxism). Political communism is put into effect through political parties. In the 19th century the usualy term such such parties was "Social Democratic" parties. Since the 1920s the name "Communist" has usually, but not always, been used by such parties. For this reason, the countries which were governed by Communist parties were often called "Communist" states in the West. In the former Soviet Union, however, "communism" was used to refer to the future society in which the Marxist goal of an egalitarian stateless society had been achieved. For this reason, the Soviet union and its client states usually called themselves "socialist states".
From that, true communism has not yet been achieved.

With out frictions the global economy cease to exist, just as Jace said. But as long as frictions exist, nations will clash over what litte there is there.

I couldn't agree more with Jace (again). Anything that the internet has came in contact with, has changed either fir the worse or for the best.