Tuesday, March 11, 2008

From Command and Control to Collaborate and Connect

Read 249-259 - Write a detailed summary of these sectons. What is Friedman saying that he has already said? What is he saying that is new?


Josh said...

Is this for today?

Joseph Toney said...

It is talking about how before when one needed to find information it was a much harder task then just typing a few words on Google and hitting search. Now anyone can do this easy search for information and now employees will know certain information before there boss even asks them to find out about it or before the boss themselves know. Also what is better when it comes to how major companies like Wall Mart and Costco with prices and how they treat employees. Also with how the government will control forms of illegal and legal collaboration and piracy.

Scott said...

It is about how fast information can be picked up. Employees can get info before their bosses. It also talks about how Wal-Mart and Costco treat their employees.