Thursday, March 13, 2008

Read 278-285

Who are the new "Middlers"? What is new about them? What does Alan Blinder, a Princeton economist, say will characterize international trade?
And finally what are some jobs that right now are untouchable? Name one that was untouchable a few years ago but now things have changed.


Joseph Toney said...

The new middlers are the untouchables or rather those whose jobs cannot be outsourced. He says that international trade will be characterized but what can and cannot be digitized.
Some untouchable jobs are dentists, repair men, masseurs.
Ones that were that now arent would be something like radiography

Unknown said...

The new middlers are the ones whose jobs can't be outsourced. They're no longer the blue-collar factory workers, but instead the white-collar service jobs.
Alan Blinder says that instead of what what can be put in a box and shipped vs. what can't is no longer what characterizes international trade, and now it's services that can be delivered electronically over long distance with little or no degradation vs. those that can't.
Pro athletes, in fact Japan and South America are outsourcing many of their most talented athletes here. Musicians because it's the voice for most of them that matters, not how cheap they'll perform or how cheap they'll write songs or whatever. Authors because in order to be a good author you have to have a good connection to what you write, and in America people wanna read stuff they can relate to as well. Also divorce lawyers or dentists, plumbers, maids, we can't ship that away because those are services that we need for ourselves right here.
Telemarketing is one that he mentioned really early in the book that is mostly outsourced nowadays.

Scott said...

They are the untouchables the dentists, the musicians, repair men, and etc. Jobs you can not outsource.

Kevin said...

The middlers are the people whose job can't be outsourced because of the need for close proximity. They changed from blue collar jobs to white collar jobs. Alan Blinder says that international trade will be characterized by what can be digitized and sent via the internet. A job that cannot bhe outsourced is a job that requires physical contact like plumbers and carpenters. Doctors are now outsourced to other countries where they use to have to be at the hospital to help now they can work on something on the other side of the country while we are asleep.