Thursday, March 6, 2008

Who is Exploiting Whom? - Due March 7 - 11:30AM

In your opinion, who is exploiting whom? Use the reading starting on page 240 to understand what I am asking you to comment on.

Also comment on Friendman's prediction about companies like Boeing?
Do you know what has recently happened to Boeing's bid to build planes for refueling in mid-air? (military contract)


Ethan White said...

I would kinna like to say that we as americans are being exploited, but i don't know if you could really go that far. I don't think that other countries are necisarily in our power to be exploited anymore. Freidman practically predicted the recent event of the military paying a non-american company to produce the new plane. Boeing recently lost the bid of a us airforce bid, to airbus, a european company.

Josh said...

I agree with Ethan that Americans are being exploited cause all of our "weaknesses" are being brought into the light. If you think about it, pretty much most of the American manufacturing jobs are being outsourced over seas, which is making America not look so good cause we cant keep our jobs here. Beoing lost its bid to build the new US Air force planes to an European company, Airbus. Isn’t that just great for the economy!!!

jace said...

Nothing new is happening, the American public has been exploited for years. Just because it is being done by someone new doesn't mean its not been happening.

They contracted out the manufacturing to a foreign builder.

Kevin said...

I think that in a global economic standpoint it is a give and take system but we have a slight disadvantage with all the outsourcing. In my opinion we are being exploited. The American military decided to go with a foriegn company to make refueling planes, while Boeing the american based company got put to the side.