Monday, March 3, 2008

Next discussion due Tuesday, March 4 - 11:30AM

On page 228, Thomas Friedman talks about "The Other Triple Convergence".
Comment on the following:
What were the three things that came together to create the "smoke screen" that Friedman refers to that distracted or hid from the public the flattening effect that was happening throughWhout the world?

Who is Gregory Mankiv?

Who is Nobuyuki Idei?

Paraphrase Carly Fiorina's prediction about the future.


scott said...

Nobuyuki Idei was the Chairman and Group Chief Executive Officer of Sony Corporation.
Gregory Mankiv was Economics professor

Joseph Toney said...

The Dot com bust, 9/11, Enron corparate governance scandal and blow ups at tyco and world com.

Gregory Mankiv was the chairman of the white house council of economics advisors in bush's 2004 election

Nobuyuki Idei is the chairman of sony

She is saying that what has happened in the last 25 years in technology is only the beginning and that technology will transform every aspect of business and life.

jace said...

The dot com bust, 9/11, and Enron corporate scandal.

GregoryMankiv was the chairman of White House council of economics.

Nobuyuki Idei is the chairman of Sony.

Technology will completely transform everything form business to everyday life.

Kevin said...

The three things that came together were Enron, the Dot Com bust, and the 9/11 attacks. Gregory Mankiv was the chairman of economics for bush in 2004. Nobuyuki Idei is the chairman of Sony corporations. Carly Fiorina predicts that these first 25 years of developement are just the beginning of a larger grander advancement that will take over all aspects of the economic and social world.