Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Due Wednesday - February 22 - by 11AM

Summarize "How do you say zippie in Chinese" AND "From Russia with Love". Your summary should be complete!


Joseph Toney said...

The "How do you say zippie in Chinese part" was about Chinese students wanting a visa to be able to come to the united states for school. The chinese student tells the US visa agent a story in hope to be able to come to school here. Once the students find out what story worked the talk it up on chat forums and such and then the next day there will be a bunch of kids with that exact same story. From Russia with love is about aeronautical planes and the outsourcing to Russian aeronautical engineers by major US companies. The US companies use the cheaper Russian engineering for aspects of there plane designs while the Russians are also even outsourcing part of the work that has been outsourced to them by the US. It used to take 28 days to build a plane but now on the next model for boeing it will be built in 3 days

Jake Houck said...

In the "How do you say zippie in chinese," it talked about Chinese students coming to America for their schooling. Friedman talked about how someone heard from a chat room on a line to use on how to a visa: "I want to go to America to become a famous professor." When the students found a new line that worked for one guy, they all tried to use it. The U.S. embasy officers had mixed feelings over this too, saying on one hand they're glad for the Chinese to want to come and study in America, but on the other hand wanted to warn the American kids living here. While many Chinese aspire to go to Harvard and Yale, they're aren't just waiting around to get into an American university. They are also trying to build one at their own home.
"From Russia with Love" is talking about the U.S. using the zipies that come out of Russia and use them for the aeronotical engineering and business. The U.S. is paying them alot less for the same job and the planes are now being made over 9 times faster than what they used to be.

Scott said...

This talks about the Chinese students getting US visas to come learn at American schools. From Russia with Love is outsourcing to Russian aeronautical engineers.