Monday, February 18, 2008

The Triple Convergence - page 200

In a nutshell what is it and talk about Convergence #1. This is due Wednesday, Feb. 20, by 10AM.


Ethan White said...

We have talked about the ten flatteners and the new technology they bring, we have talked about new people being brought into the world market, and we have talked about a new way of doing things called horizantalization. Now, as these three things come together, the world is changing drastically and being completely reshaped. This triple convergence brings new people onto the new playing field with new technology, and there is nothing to stop whatever these ingredients will make. I think we have barely had a taste of what globalization has in store for us.

Joseph Toney said...

Early on, the ten flattener's were independent but as things progressed so did the flattener's. They became interdependent upon one another as one grew so did the other. This all greater flattening the world. Eventually all ten flatteners converged and began working together like complimentary goods. This was convergence number one.

Unknown said...

This is all about how the ten flatteners started working together sort of like complementary goods, where each one of them individually strengthens all of the rest in a way in which they are all dependent on one another. The three things coonverging to form the triple convergence are the infrastructure to connect with the flat-world, the education to work it, and the ability to tap into it.

Scott said...

The ten flatteners would converge and become convergence number one. They started off independent but eventually formed one.