Monday, February 4, 2008

Flattener #6 led by Scott


Scott said...

Every morning in Africa, a gazelle wakes up. It knows it must run faster than the fastest lion or it will be killed. Every morning a lion wakes up. It knows it must outrun the slowest gazelle or it will starve to death. It doesn't matter whether you are a lion or a gazelle. When the sun comes up, you better start running. When China joined the WTO more countries had to pick up the pace or companies would be offshored. How do you feel about this quote and what does it have to with offshoring?

Porterg said...

I feel that comment accurately describes the way the business market was then, and is today, you have to be the best at what you do or you get left behind.

Ethan White said...

Our world market is getting so competitive that we have to be very good at what we do or we won't make it. This depiction of the lion and gazelle is a perfect description of this. America has thankfully been able to pick up the pace for the most part, but it is very possible that other countries could "outrun" us.

Norris said...

In my opinion most everything is "made in china". The quote is very true, and we do need to step up the game. Or we can just be lazy and lose most of our jobs- it's up to you.

Jake Houck said...
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Jake Houck said...

I really liked this quote, I flet that it really showed how the competition is now being even harder and harder to be accepted and get the job. It also tells us that we need to try to outrun the competition. We need to start steping up or just step aside.

Joseph Toney said...

This comment is relative to many more things than just the economy. Its the idea of the survival of the fittest where the the fittest will succeed the most. It has to do with off shoring because the global market is increasingly becoming more competitive and flat. Whereas you have to be the best to be successful and if being the best involves using Chinese or foreign labor for production than why not.

thomasb said...

This is a very good business quote. In my business classes, teachers will always stress how you always have to be on the top of your game to suceed. China has been on their game for quite some time. I've always wondered when China would be mentioned in this book because of everything you see with "made in china" on it. During fatterner 6, Friedman explains China's goal at being the world leaders and this is scary to some who have always thought of America being the number one leaders. Maybe it is a time to pass the torch and let another country lead. I think doing that we could keep the world a little more united as opposed all countries following America.

jace said...

When food becomes difficult to find, go elsewhere. When the market begins to close around one country, the "graze-lands become barren, and bereft of life." When it seems as if there is no more that can be gleaned from that location, move on.

Josh said...

it is kinda like the saying "survival of the fittest. if you are not meeting everyones demands, you will not survive. business and making money is all about risks, risk is what the stock market thrives on. if you are not willing to take the necessary steps to make your company grow, how will you ever make it.