Friday, February 22, 2008

Convergence Three

Talk about eduaction, zippies, the Cold War, the new workforce numbers, where are highly educated and motivated people competing to live and Rajesh Rao.


Joseph Toney said...

The soviet union was a major power and influenced its economy onto many others. Several countries all over the world based there economy of of the soviet's. So as the soviet economy was changing with the fall of the Berlin wall so were many others countries economy's changing. This just opened a greater amount. This added a larger global workforce and more brain power from all over the world.

scott said...

After the Berlin wall fell at the end of the 80's, other countries economy's started to change rapidly. The reason why other countries economy's started changing was because they were tied to the soviet unions economy. This was a huge contributer to making the world flat.

jace said...

With the fall of the Berlin wall, a massive economical work force was created. In that instant, the economies of every country linked to Russia was opened up to free trade. This brought on the zippies, the young and intelligent people coming to America from those countries.

Norris said...

After the fall of the Berlin Wall. The economies of many countries started to change exponetaly because the Soviet Union was linked to many of their economies. After this, "Zippies" started coming to America. Zippies are fairly young and very smart people.

Kevin said...

Before the Berlin wall the work force was around 1.5 billion people evenly spread out between North America, East Asia, Europe, and Japan. Because they were all cold war allies, they had balanced trade status and nothing to challenge it. After however another 1.5 billion people came from those countries that were oppressed by conflict. The people of China, India, and the former Soviet Union came into the world with more education and enough ambition to use it. All of the high education people wanted to come to America to study at a college or university. The Zippies were the Indian people between 15 and 25 who wanted to work and the use their knowledge. One of the zippies, known as Rajesh Rao, founder of Dhruva Interactive is a prime example of how they plugged into the ten flatteners.

Josh said...

After the berlin wall fell, the work force was leveled between all of the countries, and not dominated just by North America, Asia, Europe, and Japan. America domitated the education and the others provided the work.

Jake Houck said...

After the fall of the Berlin wall the population doubled for people who came into the US from those coflict riddden countries. China, India, and the former Soviet Union now began coming into the world with more will power and commitment to get better jobs and a higher education. Zippies were as Outlook said "young city or suburban resident's...with a zip in his stride." Rajesh Rao is an example of the zippies, who invented Dhurva Interactive.