Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Flattener #9 - Informing

Mike will start the discussion about "Informing".


Unknown said...

In flattener #9 it talks about how open the world is thanks to search engines, namely Google. You can find out anything about anyone at any time, with a few keystrokes and clicks of the mouse. What are some positives and negatives of everything being out there like this? How is it going to change and shape with the future?

jace said...

For the positive side, you can access a very large volume of data at any given time. On the negative side, you can do scary things with it. If you know how to look for some things, and where to find them, you can get your hands on very sensitive data. I for one have been known to find out things like a person's birth date if they won't tell me when it is. The downside to that is, it scares people. If people aren't careful, then in the future there will be no help for their stupidity in putting personal information out on the internet. Hopefully it will lead people to be more careful and selective about what they deem appropriate material for public access.

Scott said...

Positives- You have all the information in front of you, everything is easy to find, and ordering things is much easier. Negatives- There bad people that are on the internet and there is false information. It is already changing, new things are put up every day. Google is getting bigger by the minute.

Norris said...

This flattener is probably the most contradictory flattener there is for me. It is great to have so much ways of finding information about someone so easily, it has made things work so much faster. There are more places to look, there is more information so people can really search deeply into things, there are different points of view available and there is access for a lot of people who didn't have access for some kind of information before. But at the same time, there is just TOO MUCH to see. Sometimes it turns out to be more confusing and worthless. There is also room for fake information and people end up not knowing what to really believe.

Ethan White said...

Having so much information at your fingertips is great, but do we really need access to every bit of information on the planet. Besides this, people can get very sensitive personal information. Like jace said, there isn't really a way to prevent besides not putting it out there to be found, and this is a big disadvantage of this flattener.

Kevin said...

This much information that is so easy to access is very helpful for the common user who needs to find something and can only look towards that information for answers, of course some answers are better than others. But if the user was not common and knows what to search for they can find anything they want to know, while having all of this info can be a good thing there are risks involved with privacy.

Joseph Toney said...

Some positives would be the fact that know matter who you are if you can use a computer you can use google. Google has allowed vast amounts of information to be easily accessed by anyone with a computer/palm pilot/phone and an internet connection. It doesnt matter where in the world you are you can still access this information just as easily as someone in North America. Some negatives would be that there are bad people out there on the internet. People who put up false information, predators, and etc. People are now able to google certain keywords and are able to find fairly personal information about your life with the click of a button.