Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Convergence Two

For Thursday, February 21 describe convergence #2 and what horizontalization is.


jace said...

Horzontalization is the steady change in the chain of command. It is moving from a top-down hierarchy to a more even system. Instead of moving up the corporate ladder, you might hop across into a new industry.

Joseph Toney said...

This convergence is about how the business hierarchy is no longer "vertical". You will now need to start to collaborate vertically to be able to succeed. Where as now companies will need to work with other companies and departments and not just within their own business to succeed. This is horizontalization. Horizontalization has combined with th flatteners to be able to work together as helping one another.

Unknown said...

Convergence 2 is about horizontalization. Instead of trying to move up in the world and having to start at the bottom, it's like someone kicked the ladder over and now it's just laying on the ground. You don't go from a desk job, to a manager, to a ceo or whatever anymore, you jump into any industry you choose, anywhere in the flat world. You move across the ladder, not up it, making it easier for people to get where they're trying to get in life, and work with each other instead of competing against each other.

Josh said...

Sorry I did not realize that this was due Thursday, i thought it was today...but like Jace, Joseph, and Mike said, the business world has become more flat in the sense that you have to slowly move you way through business until you get a better job. The business world is becoming so completive now, and job security is not like "it used to be" there for if someone does not think you are fulfilling your job, they can easily find someone just as good or better to replace.

Scott said...

This talks about how we are becoming Horizontal, it is when the flatteners combine and work with each other.