Monday, March 17, 2008

Read 285-300 - We're halfway there!

What is something you can work on right now that will help you in a "Flat world" (according to Friedman)

What is the NEW definition for 24/7/7?

What is the great synthesizer?

What is the great explainer?

What is the great leveragers?

What is the great adapters?

Who are the green people?

Finally who are the passionate personalizers?


Joseph Toney said...

24/7/7- now means supply chains that run 34 hours a day 7 days a week and across 7 continents

great synthesizer is where is now the ability to synthesize disparate parts together for instance dell does this well

great explainer is or are the people who will be explaining this new technology and new ideas to the other people in this new flat world

great leverages are those who leverage technology or design things programs allowing other to work faster and better

great adapters are those who can easily adapt to new jobs that will keep them ahead of the main workforce and keep a steady pay with it. this will be needed in the flat world

Green people are those who will be taking jobs that have to do with renewable and sustainable energy do to the fact that 3 billion people will now be taking from the energy pool due to the flattening of the world

Passion at personalizers are those who take a normal average middler job and give it something special to make more money.

Ethan White said...

The new 24/7/7 means supply chains run thirty four hours a day, 7 days a week, across 7 continents.
The Great Synthesizer is how we can now synthesize from different parts on a global scale, Dell is good example of this.
The Great Explainer refers to the people who will be explaining all of this new technology to everyone.
The Great Leverages refers to those who use technology as leverage to make things work better, or faster.
The Great Adapters are the people who can adapt to these new changes easily.
Green People refers to the increased amounts of people who will be working in alternate energy related jobs.
Passion at personalizers are the special people who can take an ordinary job and give it something extra special to make more money.