Monday, January 7, 2008

"The World is Flat" by Thomas L. Friedman- Jan 7, 2008

Summarize what you learned from your first reading in ths amazing book.


Ethan White said...

I learned that the world has been going through an extensive globalization process over the past two or three centurys and the process has recently exploded into a completely different world. Every individual in every country has a chance to work with or compete with every other individual for their place in this new technology driven world.

Porterg said...

In the first ten pages of "The World is Flat" Thomas Friedman is telling us that the world is becoming "flat," in saying this he means that it is becoming easier and easier to communicate across the globe, and this "flattening" has been taking place since 1492 when America was discovered.

Kevin said...

I learned from the first ten pages of this book that the world has become a global market. Starting with Colombus globalization has made the world somewhat, small, outsourcing because of globalization has made everyone the same. In my opinion this book makes a relevant point and as it states America works better when it is being challenged.
Kevin Barnhill

Joseph Toney said...

From this reading I have learned that with all of modern societies technologies, international communication and integration is possible. Companies can now outsource to different nations and countries for manual labor and also manufacture in different areas. Through technological advances all aspects of the companies can communicate at the same time no matter location. With these advances the playing field is any many ways being leveled.\
-Joseph Toney

Randy and Deborah Jean said...

Christopher Columbus set sail for India, in 1492 to spread the Christian faith in a land where it was not known. In doing so he sailed West instead of East and discovered that the world was round and discovered an unknown world. He named the inhabitants "indians" because he thought he was in India.
Thomas Friedman also traveled to India looking for intellectual riches and discovered in his travels that the world was flat or at least getting flatter - that is the competitive playing field was becoming level allowing for competition, communication and colaboration to be easier and available to more people even in the emerging nations.
Friedman says this flattening started back with Columbus, became "how can my country compete" as its basis, to now, how can my company compete in a world-wide market. Sheets

Willow said...
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Willow said...

From this reading, I learned that Christopher Columbus was one of the people who knew that the world was round, not flat, so to prove it, and also to spread Christianity, he sailed to what he thought was India. What he didn't know was that "India" was actually America. Also, the world is "turning flat". Many countries are turning into the same high-tech places as America, Japan, ect.

~Willow Warner

thomasb said...

In the firts ten pages of "The World Is Flat" Thomas Friedman compares his journey to Christopher Columbuse's journey. He also expalins that there has been three stages of globilization and each stage has increased technology but has "flattened" the world. This "flattening" of the world is causing people to compete with others from anywhere in the world instead of just companies.

Jake Houck said...

After reading the first ten pages of "The World is Flat" I learned that the world is "flat" in the way that Thomas Friedman displayed it. I think that he means it in the way that people have the ability to compete with other people in the growing technological world that we live in.

Scott said...

I learned in the first ten pages that the world is becoming flat, and not in a geographic way. The playing field has been flattened, everyone is on the same level through communication. Also globalization is making the playing field level because countries are competing against each other. It started with Christopher Columbus trying to find a short cut to India, now India is flooded with corporations.
-Scott Pouder

Norris said...

I learned that India is a very technolgically advanced, I knew it was some what advanced, but not as advanced as that. I think it's interesting that India could overtake us if they wanted to.

jace said...

All I have learned from these ten pages is that I have a very different view of the world. It is not, and will never be flat. The world cannot come to be even in any way. The world appears to be flat when looked down upon, but when viewed from any angle it is filled with dips and hills. There cannot be flatness when there is not a level of equality among all people. If that were to happen then it would be complete anarchy. Though that would be my ultimate goal, complete equality, it cannot happen in a peaceful manner. The world would fall into complete chaos.
~Jace Cook