Thursday, January 17, 2008

Flattener #1

What is your reaction to the significance of the fall of the Berlin Wall and the emergence of an operating system from MIcrosoft.


Joseph Toney said...

The fall off the Berlin wall was apparently very significant i had no clue that it affected so many areas beyond Germany and Europe. I still do not understand what that had to do with this globalization and flattening of the world. The operating system from Microsoft was a huge deal. It allowed for people to connect work on a similar operating system and pretty much started the digitization of everything. It allowed people to connect globally and allowed other people to see what they were doing outside of their own region.

Josh said...

Just like I said in my last post I had no idea that the fall of the Berlin wall had such an impact on our world, then and now. I guess that not being alive or even if we were then we would have been very young, we didn’t really feel the effects of it on our life’s. Like Toney I agree that the take off, like the book said, was huge after the fall of the wall. But it makes me wonder if an event can change the world like, what would happen if something similar would happen today...

jace said...
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jace said...

The fall of the Berlin wall was a huge event in the history of the world. It re-opened a large market that had been closed for decades. When Microsoft released their operating system it was spread through this new market. Had the wall not fallen, Microsoft might be nothing more than a small company today.

Porterg said...

The fall of the Berlin wall was not only significant to Germany's history but the world. It signified the unification of Germany and opened up many new possibilities for world trade. The operating system from Microsoft was a huge breakthrough in technology it signified a more personal, user-friendly computer, a computer that anyone could use. Windows really kicked off the recent flattening because it allowed people to become connected over long distances and communicate at high speed.

Scott said...

Berlin wall=Microsoft? The fall of the Berlin wall was the end of communism and the start of globalization.