Wednesday, January 9, 2008

reading 1/9/08

Summarize the next ten pages.What are the names of some of the multinational companies that are now doing business from India and other places?


jace said...

Major companies such as Dell, and Microsoft have outsourced their lower management in order to save money. Tech support is largely done from a location in a foreign country. When physical presence is not required the work force will be outsourced and digitized.

jace said...

Run for the hills ladies and gentlemen, there are other people on this planet, and they will gladly take your job.

Norris said...

People in India are making a killing on just making/answering calls. These people work with big companies, such as Dell or Delta. If your dream job was answering phones, you're @#$% out of luck lol.

Willow said...

In the 24/7 call center in Bangalore, the "outbound" operators sell things, and the "inbound" operators find lost U.S. and European luggage and solves computer problems for Americans. Many of the young employees give all of part of their earnings to their parents. There are currently about 245,000 Indians working as telemarketers. In American, telemarketers are not paid much, but in India the workers are paid very well.

Ethan White said...

Outsourcing has created huge job oppurtunities for Indians and other asian peoples around the world. Jobs that Americans would consider inferior are prime spots for these motivated people. Answering phones for companies like Dell and telemarketing for companies like American Express, these people will gladly take jobs that Americans don't really want, but might eventually need anyway.

Unknown said...

In India, a very poverty stricken nation, people in their early-mid 20's are striving to work in these tech support buildings due to the fact they stand to make $300 a month, on up to $400 or $500 a month with experience. By India's standards this is a very respectable income, and the benefits include paid transportation, meals, health care for them and their families, etc. Major corporations such as Dell, Microsoft, Delta, and even America Online are outsourcing the vast majority of their tech support lines to India thanks to the Indian people being willing to work for such drastically lower wages than an American would be willing to work for. The companies these tech support lines are run by in India (such as 24/7), are even giving their employees speech lessons so that they sound more Western to the customers calling in. The employees also adopt American nicknames for that cause.

Joseph Toney said...

Dell, Microsoft, major airlines, and credit card companies are all outsourcing to the west for cheaper labor. European nations are doing this as well. All companys want to save money and will do what they have to do to do so. So if outsourcing is that money savor many companies wont be turning it down.

Josh said...

Lots of service calls are being transferred to the "inbound" operators. I thought that it was interesting that different companies would be working in the same room as another. In the call centers it described that you might see Dell in a small group, and then Microsoft right across from them. Another thing I found pretty interesting is that in the Microsoft section he asked an employee what the longest call was, 11 hours. I thought Sages comment was pretty cool, and very true, in probably 3-4 years there will be no more operating stations in America.

Scott said...

Big name companies like Microsoft and Dell have been doing tech support from other countries.