Tuesday, January 15, 2008

"The great challenge of our time"

What is it and do you agree?


No.7 said...


Ethan White said...

The challenge that all of us will soon be facing is how to make a difference and find a place in the changing world. This will soon be a place where every individual has a chance to make it, but only the ones that are really motivated will make it because there are so many other people trying to make it too. If Americans don't pick it up and get more motivated then we are going to get overrun by people who are.

Scott said...

Everybody has a chance to make it, but only the highly motivated will get the jobs. Many people will be fighting for one job but the person that works the hardest will get it. This country as a whole needs to get motivated or we will be left in the dust

Jake Houck said...

I agree with Ethen 100%; we as Americans need to step up and get motivated. If we don't our jobs will be taken over. But to answer the question I agree with the great challenge if we want to keep our jobs we need to be motivated and work really hard to get it.

thomasb said...

The challenge of our time is the fact that many jobs are becoming more competitive and hard to get. Everyone seems to agree that people need to be more ambitions and motivated to get these desired jobs but if everyone learned and used their knowledge about outscourcing then we may all be able to achieve our desired jobs faster, easier and cheaper.

Norris said...

Jobs are becoming really hard to come by, or atleast the ones you want. I think we're just digging a hole that we can't get out of, simply because we're lazy. We seriously need to take action. Do what ever you have to do to get motivated- read this book, eat a bagel, or listen to music.

Kevin said...

The great challenge of our time is that jobs are becoming extremely competitive. It will be challenging to get a job that suits you and your lifestyle because of others attempting for that same job. Only the most motivated and determined person will make it. I agree with this because outsourcing has made jobs even more scarce on the American front so there will be more people trying for the same jobs.

Josh said...

The challenge of our time is the changing economy and world, and how we "step up to the plate" to face it. I agree with what he was saying but I think that it goes further than that, we have to do more than just step up we need to start to being innovators in this changing world, I feel that we as Americans need to start coming up with more creative ideas to move our market more. We have done a lot of this but other are catching up or have already caught and passed us and this could have some bad end results. But aside from that I never realized how much the fall of the Berlin wall affected the entire world. It is kind of amazing how one event like that can change so much.

jace said...

The great challenge is no more than a question of motivation. If you do not have any reason to change your position then there is no motivation. The truth, and a sad one at that, is that the threat of poverty is the only motivation that gets through to Americans.

Unknown said...

The great challenge of our time is keeping up with the fast paced world around us. For as long as I'm sure any of us can remember, America has been number 1, the world's superpower, seemingly invincible on many steps ahead of everyone else. This has resulted in a lack of motivation in Americans today, a lack of ambition, drive, and an overall apathetic feeling about how the world is changing. What's going to have to happen is we're going to have to get off our butts, and start working hard, not only to stay ahead, but maybe just to keep pace.

Porterg said...

I agree with mike that one of the biggest if not the biggest challenge is keeping up with the world around us. The world we live in today is becoming more and more technologically involved, even in everyday jobs, and its getting hard for people to keep up. I'm planning on being a graphic designer and part of the job is constantly getting and mastering new software, and some people just cannot do that because everything is moving too fast.