Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Summarize Flattener #3


Ethan White said...

The jist of this work flow software flattener, goes along with the internet and communication technology. I think it actually similar to an assembly line, except on computers and the workers are all around the world. One example provided was about cartoon making. The animators can do one thing, the writers do another and the editors do another all at the same time, and they are all at different places, some even in their homes. This ties in with the whole idea of people's communication abilities flattening the world.

Joseph Toney said...

Flattener number three dealt with the work flow software. Where as company's use software to be able to for instance with the animation studio a final piece yet while the people working on it may be spread out all around the world. The big deal was making the internet and computers inter operable where as all computers could share information. This was done with various protocols.

Kevin said...

Numero tres dealt with work flow software and how it revolutionized (quietly) the workplace. It made possible the connection of many people at once over live feed and made it possible to connect to a private network, cutting down work time and allowing many things to be finished within that time.

Josh said...

The third flattener is all about transferring a certain program files over the internet, fast. Me, being into the eBay explosion, I enjoyed reading about the start up of pay pal and how it is enabling money to be sent over the internet using email. Pay pal enabled individuals, not just the big guys, to send and receive money orders electronically. Another thing I found interesting, like Toney and Ethan, was the whole animation thing. I thought it was really cool how wild blue, had 8 writers around the world, eight animators in Bangalore, recording sessions are happening in L.A. It is amazing how all of these people can be working on the same thing at the same time, across the world.

jace said...

The world is flat because of the chain of production. One person in one country produces a plan, another person in another country takes the first step, another person in another country continues with the next step, yet another person in another country continues with the next step, etc etc, until production is complete. This is true because the software used to connect all of these different people is constantly getting more and more sophisticated. From simple HTML to the new and complex AJAX.

Unknown said...

Flattener #3 is basically talking about the work flow software, and how, like Ethan said, it's sort of like an assembly line wherein every person working on something has a special task assigned to them that they can do from anywhere in the world. That capability was brought on thanks to SMTP which allowed people to communicate from anywhere at anytime with anyone. It also goes on to talk about how Microsoft is no longer on the top of the world in its industry, sort of like how America was, and now it's getting flattened into a level playing field and they just have to try to keep up, which is a strong parrell to the theme of the book so far about America. I had said more in my comment but when I tried to post it just now it deleted it and wouldn't let me go back to it.

thomasb said...

Flattener 3 expalins how the combination of the Berlin Wall fall and the invention of World Wide Web and the internet made work flow faster, easier and more productive. We are able to send work and information within our compainies and across the world all at your fingertips

Scott said...

This flattener talks about the work flow software. It made it possible to connect many people over live feed and also it makes internet and computers inter operable.