Wednesday, January 23, 2008

What is your reaction to flattener #4?


thomasb said...

This book has alot to take in. Its quite overwhelming actually. After reading and rereading these "flatteners" my overall reaction is that our world has done an incredible job of being able to access and exchange SO much information, that we actually have too much information to handle. But how much of that information we receive is false?

Joseph Toney said...

Ive been reading ten pages a night and have not yet read flattener four and had no clue that we were supposed to until this morning. I read at night and post in the morning and will not have time to read this. however in what i did read(pg 80-90)it was all primarily about the standardization of computers and making them all inter operable where you could take a file from a IBM and open it an a Compaq. Also it was made possible for machines to talk to machines which was made possible by a new description language called xml and one related to it called soap. Now instead of buying programs businesses can use web based services and in a way just simply rent the program.

Josh said...

I think that this was one of the most interesting flatteners so far, the Berlin wall was shocking, but this was interesting. Living in a society where everything is just "there" you never really notice or see how things come about. I thought that it was cool how he described all the different things the "geeks" are discovering; like blogging, Wikipedia, pod casting,, eBay, and even the terrorist geeks are using uploading capabilities to covey what they have to say. Now almost everyone can upload pictures, music, videos, work files, and much much more. I did a little extra research when it talked about the DJ's wanting to get their music out there more; I searched online DJ's on Google, and there is a new thing where DJ's are DJing over the internet to live places. All that is needed is a high speed internet connection and some sound equipment and you can have your favorite DJ in New York, play for you in Japan, without him being there. Pretty sweet

Ethan White said...

I think it is interesting how there is so much information for us out there. Everything is just there, and it can become a lot to take in. The only problem is, there is so much information, it is hard to know what is true or not.

Joseph Toney said...

What really hit me hard was when he made the comment about what will happen when we the consumer's begin to upload more than we download. the amount of information, programs, music, videos, news, and etc will be huge. It seems as if the internet could only become use full now if you really no how to search for what you want. All this additional uploading will make searching harder and also harder to find trustworthy information.

Kevin said...

It is an amazing thing that we can do over the net now. Because of this we can both promote or terrorize and in a way thats a bad thing. My reaction to this is I am amazed at what you can do without government or hierarchal intervention.

Jake Houck said...

My reaction to this flattener was that it has alot of positives and negatives to it. I mean you can upload all of these videos and pictures and information, but like what we've seen in the past years it can be used for bad. Look at the terrorist videos that were uploaded to get us out of the war, and scare the everyday people. And obviously that is one of the negatives to uploading.

Scott said...

In this I learned that consumers are uploading more than they are downloading. This could be big problem in the future.