Monday, January 28, 2008

Flattener #4 - lead by Josh and Joseph


Joseph Toney said...

Discuss the idea of when internet users start uploading more than they are downloading. What do you think will happen? Can the internet hold an unlimited amount of information?

Norris said...

Well Like on myspace and other sites like. you can only upload a limited amount of pictures, or videos. So i think that the internet will eventually get full. Maybe not soon, but it's a possiblility. Everything has a limit. Humans, animals, cars, computers, and space. Hell, even if Superman existed he would have limits. The internet will eventually crash from all of the information that will be uploaded.

Scott said...

As information is growing, the internet will grow with it. When users upload more than download it is not that much of a problem.

Ethan White said...

i agree with sage that the internet will eventually get too weighed down with data to function properly. We have very powerful computer technology in this area, but this unlimited amount of information is going to eventually get the best of it.

Josh said...

Discuss the ways that uploading effects our economy.

Josh said...

I think that the internet will always have room for more information to be uploaded. I acctually feel that within the next ten years, the internet will be outdated and there will be a newer, faster way to get information...who knows?

Randy and Deborah Jean said...

It is my fear, that as more people uplad information, the less reliable the information will become. We will spend more and more time checking the accuracy of the information we find.
As the internet begins to "fill up" I agree with Josh that there will be another method of world-wide information gathering that will replace and improve it.But I have always been an optimist.

thomasb said...

Look how uploading has changed almost everything. Now instead of waiting for the record store to open to get your brand new Beyonce cd, all you have to do is upload the whole album onto your computer for cheaper if not completly free. With the more and more uploading occuring each day, I wonder if the whole music indrustry will change.

jace said...

Once data has been uploaded to the net it has to go somewhere. Data storage gets more and more advanced every day, meaning more and more data can be uploaded. The net is ever expanding, therefore it will never run out of space.

Randy and Deborah Jean said...

In response to Josh's question about uploading and the economy, as the world uplads more and more, the world becomes a more competitive place. As thomas Friedman has said, "work gets done where it can be done more efficiently and effectively. We could easily fall behind other countries in this flat world by being passive and lazy and unwilling to work hard! This "falling behind" could have a very negative impact on our economy as more and more work is out-sourced to areas of the world with citizens willing and able to do it!