Friday, May 2, 2008

For Tuesday read the last three RULES.

In a short sentence, summarize each of the 9 "RULES".


Scott said...

Rule 7 is basically saying that the companies that outsource produce more results. An example is Mindtree. Rule 8 is saying the employees have the power, what YOU put into it. Rule 9 is saying if you cant beat them join them. "Freelancers" are a plague of locusts.

Ethan White said...

The final three rules consist of 7; that the companies that outsource better tend to yield better results, 8; the way a company does business is going to affect them more than what it does, and 9; that sometimes the flattening of the world being one of them, if you can't beat 'em, join 'em. In other words, when you feel yourself being flattened, you can't resist if you hope to succeed. So the rules read like this....
1. If you don't get something done, somebody else is gonna do it instead.
2. If you can do something, then you should, the only thing that is holding you back is you, you have the oppurtunity.
3. Small companies are going to have to act like big companies if they are going to make it.
4. In the same way, the big companies are going to have to act small in order to make it.
5. The best companies are going to be the ones that collaborate.
6. Companies are going to have to analyze their weaknesses and let other companies handle the things that they are weak in.
7. The better you outsource, the better your going to be as a company.
8. It's not only about what a company does, its about how they do it that matters.
9. If you can't stop flattening, then join in.

Unknown said...

I already posted on the first 6 rules on Friday so that post is on the other one, the last 3 rules are just a continuation on the blue print for how a company should run in the flat world.

#7 Outsource to grow and win, not JUST to save money, but also to get ahead.

#8 Run your company right. It's not by any means, it's by the right means. Follow rules and procedures and stay ethical.

#9 Don't build walls up to keep anyone or anything out, dig inside yourself and find out what more you can be doing for yourself and your business