Friday, May 2, 2008

Finish up on the rules for friday, May 2.

Summarize all the rules in just a few words.


Kevin said...

The 6 rules that he talked about are not really rules in my opnion, more like guidelines, furthermore those "guidelines" do seem to be a good way to be successful in the new flat world.

Unknown said...

I'm not totally sure if you meant each rule individually or all of them together so I'll do both. The 6 rules he talked about are like a blueprint for businesses in the flat world and what they need to do to stay ahead and successful in these modern times. Now the 6 rules individually are:

#1 Whatever can be done will be done to you or for you

#2 Branches off from #1, since whatever can be done will be done, your main competition is your imagination, think outside the box.

#3 Small companies have to act big

#4 Big companies have to act small

#5 Companies need to collaborate in order to be successful

#6 Companies need to self-examine to keep up efficiency

jace said...

The rules are a general way to structure a business for operation in a flat world. They are less rules than guidlines.