Thursday, May 15, 2008

For Friday read 537-546

Summarize in detail!!!!!!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

For Thursday - May 15 - 534-537

1. Explain the no guns allowed and no cell phone allowed phenomenon.
2.What is your take on "technological advanced primitivism. What is the next step (predict here)?
3. What is a technological determinist? Are you one?
4. Friedman admits that he knows the wolrd is not flat. What does he mean?
5. What does Friedman say is the single most trend in the world today?

Monday, May 12, 2008

Read 515-530 for Wednesday. Questions to follow.

1. What is continuous partial attention. Do you suffer from it?
2. Do you agree or disagree that all this new connectivity has social downsides? Explain why you feel the way you feel.
3.What are four effects of the age of interruption? How do you feel about them?
4. What are four rules of dealing with the ill effects of the ease of connectivity?
5. Talk a little about resumes and how they work in a world of walls and how they are in a flat world.
6. Overall, do you think the benefits outweigh the trade-offs when it comes to ease of connectivity. Explain your answer.

Friday, May 9, 2008

Chapter 13 - blog for Monday, May 12

Read the chapter and comment on the following:
Social activism, give examples of successes
What is guiding the reputations of companies in the flat world?
What is the old and new paradigm according to a Washington lobbiest?
What could you do to initiate change for a cause you care about?
Tell about Muhammad Yuus and microcredit?
What is
Where did Jeremy Hockenstein go to make a difference? What did he do there?
What did the two teachers do to teach colaboration? Were they successful?
What is the old industrial approach to politics in the USA? What is the new approach?
Which do you prefer?
What is the significance of Friedman telling us about Bahrain and the impact Google Earth has had?
Tell about the HP-Dell-IBM allianace and what it is doing.
Do you think it is a good thing or not?
Summarize what Rob Watson, chairman and CEO of Ecotech International says about what he learned in Business School.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

For Friday, May 9

Read chapter 13 and thoroughly summarize what Friedman is saying.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Read chapter twelve, pages 477-488

What NEW thinking is Friedman bringing out in this chapter?

Friday, May 2, 2008

For Tuesday read the last three RULES.

In a short sentence, summarize each of the 9 "RULES".

Finish up on the rules for friday, May 2.

Summarize all the rules in just a few words.